If you are looking for high quality images for the horticultural industry, you have come to the right place. With more than 400,000 images and videos, we have the largest botanical image library worldwide. This is what we can do for you:

We are specialized in botanical images and we know the horticultural industry like no other. We know exactly what your customers are looking for.

You will only find high quality images. All photos go through a strict selection procedure.

We are not only collectors, we are also creators. In our own studio, we personally create highly specialized images. We have been doing this for over 30 years (and counting).

We can help you find what you are looking for. Do you need advice or are you looking for something special? Give us a call and we will help you search. If we do not have it in our image database, we can always create it for you.
Three types of images
In our image library you will find different kinds of photos and videos:
You can buy, download and use the standard stock photos and videos directly. This is ideal when you want to act quickly.

Premium images can be ordered on request. In this case, we will ask you for some details. For example, where (for what) and how you want to use the image. Your request will be processed and the images will be released to you in your Visions Pictures account. You recognize these images by the yellow star.
Custom made
Can't find what you are looking for? Have you come up with an entirely new composition that you would like us to portray? Do you have a complex challenge? Then, our custom-made images are what you need. Don't hesitate to share your (crazy) ideas. As we have our own specialized studio, there are few wishes we can’t fulfill. We can create a wide variety of settings. Our experts are keen to think along with you and will also tell you when something will likely not work. With custom-made photography or videography, you receive all the publishing rights.
Good to know
What do I pay?
Our price structure is designed in a way that you never pay too much. The price depends on four factors:
- In which industry are you going to use the image or video?
- What is the size of the image?
- What is the size of the order?
- Are you (also) going to use the image or video online?
How do I search?
Our platform provides advanced search tools. This makes it easy to search for specific things or to search extensively. This comes in handy when you are specifically looking for a horizontal image or an image without restrictions. You can also search by categories and keywords. Are you looking for a classic or new photo? Throughout the entire search process, you can count on us. Tell us what you are looking for and we will help you find the right image. This service is completely free.
We strive for excellence for over 30 years. We not only care about technology and complexity, we really want to be the industry leader. We maintain this position by visiting conferences and fairs. To spot new trends, we also travel the world. We guarantee the best quality. In case you do experience a technical issue, we will solve this as quickly as possible and free of costs.
Who is using our image library?
These customer groups, amongst others, are pleased with our images: picture agencies, printing companies, exporters and traders, growers, plant lovers, magazines, marketing agencies, designers, mail order companies, landscapers and garden centers
The next step
Our images are used in over 70 countries across all continents. Are you our next satisfied user?